Modern solutions to control soil erosion problems and how they work

Nilex Inc
3 min readSep 20, 2022


Riprap is a simple design structure that prevents erosion of the soil surface along ditches, channels, and shoreline banks. It consists of a layer of large, angular rocks that range in size depending on the project and the nature of the land terrain it is used on. This traditional erosion control system is not as effective as more modern solutions. With modern technology, there are more effective ways to control erosion from persistent hydrological activity.

Alternative solutions for erosion control

Engineers are trying to move away from the use of traditional riprap technologies by developing more environmentally friendly and efficient technology that works better. Some of the new technologies that are being developed ensure land safety and are successful in preventing land erosion more effectively than traditional methods. Some examples of modern solutions include:

• NilexGrid cellular confinement system (geocell): This erosion control system consists of three-dimensional cells that are fabricated with the use of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Their applications include soil stabilization, slope stability, and protection against ultraviolet degradation. The cells can be filled with a variety of fill materials and are easily transported to any site as they are manufactured in the form of flattened panels.

Erosion control blankets: As the name suggests, erosion control blankets consist of a sheet of biodegradable materials that are rolled onto surfaces such as slopes and low-flow channels. This lightweight polypropylene netted structure is long-lasting and durable.

• GeoRidge: This simply designed structure is used for erosion and sediment control. It consists of a plastic berm that is made from HDPE making it a lightweight and sustainable alternative to conventional check dams. The standard option can be reused for various projects, there is also a biodegradable option that will break down over time. They are used in stormwater channels, roadside channels, and slopes to reduce flow velocities and act as effective sediment traps.

Why should you move away from traditional erosion control technologies?

As previously stated, newer technology is choosing to focus on land sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. Riprap technology is not a natural solution and does not support land sustainability. Most of these large rocks are mined from other areas with the use of explosives and heavy-duty equipment. The transport to the site adds an additional burden to the environment by increasing levels of pollution during the transportation stage. Another thing to consider is the effectiveness of riprap, while they do confer some amount of protection against erosion, they are not as effective as engineered technology. Using a sustainable solution can help reduce your carbon footprint and helps foster the development of more environmentally friendly technology like the product supplied at Nilex.

Erosion control and sediment control systems at Nilex

Nilex is a geosynthetic company that offers engineered sustainable solutions that have a minimal environmental impact while being cost-effective at the same time. Nilex offers armoring systems that are both temporary and permanent in nature. With more than 35 years of experience in the geosynthetic industry, they are committed to offering sustainable solutions that have a wide range of applications in civil, environmental, and construction projects. By using technologically advanced materials, Nilex is able to deliver innovative solutions for sediment and erosion control. Previous projects include shoreline armoring, slope revetment, reclamation, and channel armoring across Canada. Their products are designed to reduce the damaging effects of persistent rainfall, storm-water run-offs, and scour action by tidal waves. Some of the products that Nilex offers include:

· Turf reinforcement mats

· Scour protection mats

· Erosion control blankets

· Concrete Revetments and Mattresses

· Gabion Systems

Each project can present itself with unique sediment and erosion challenges, riprap usage is outdated as a form of erosion control. By using some of the innovative solutions that Nilex offers, you are guaranteed to spend less and have a positive impact on the environment.



Nilex Inc

Nilex is a leader in the geosynthetics industry providing Geosynthetic Solutions for Civil and Environmental projects including Economic,